Light T. Cummins, Bryan Professor of History, Emeritus, at Austin College in Sherman, Texas, blogs about things related to Texas History. He served as the State Historian of Texas from May, 2009 to August, 2012. He teaches Texas history and writes about the history of the Lone Star state. This blog contains postings about his activities as he seeks to advance the cause of history and historical understanding across the state.
Yesterday I spoke at the Daughter’s of the Republic of Texas Library located on the grounds of the Alamo in San Antonio. The 23rd Annual Texas History Forum was the occasion. The theme for this year’s forum centered on historiography. As the introductory material for the event noted, “Historiography is the history of historical writing, specifically the history of how scholars have interpreted historical topics over time. In order to understand this, historiography also necessitates the study of why historians have chosen to examine and describe the past in particular ways.
Dr. Gregg Cantrell of Texas Christian University and Dr. Jim Crisp of North Carolina State University also spoke at the Forum. I spoke on “Telling the Story of Old-Time Texas: The History of Texas History” In so doing I provided an overview of Texas historiography and some of the assumptions that have shaped its interpretations over time. I also noted some of the attributes of sound historical writing. Dr. Cantrell related his experiences in researchin and writing his award-winning biography of Stephen F. Austin. He highlighted some of the historiographical decisions he had to make in crafting that biographical analysis of Austin. Dr Crisp continued the theme of historiography by analyzing some of the primary and secondary sources from the actual 1836 battle of the Alamo the speak to the matter of Davy Crockett’s death. This analsyis is based on his new book “How Did Davy Die? And Why Do We Care So Much?”
For a more detailed synopsis of the three presentations, see the website of the Daughter’s of the Republic of Texas Library: Click Here.
Earlier tonight British musician and rock star Phil Collins visited the Hall of State in Dallas where he talked about his long-standing interest in the Alamo. The Dallas Historical Society sponsored this event, which took place because Collins accepted an invitation to visit the Hall of State from Dallasite Lindalyn Adams. She is a former president of the historical society. Collins has been a friend of the Adams family for many years. DHS President Diane Bumpas presided at the event by introducing Collins. Angus Wynne joined Lindalyn Adams on the stage of the Margaret and Al Hill Lecture Hall for an entertaining, informative, and informal interview with Collins about his interest in the Alamo and its history. Collins noted that he has gravitated toward the Alamo story since his own youth in London. In recent decades, he has developed a deep interest in the Alamo and its history. In the process, he has amassed what may be the largest collection of Alamo artifacts, memorabilia, and documents currently in private hands. He has also just finished writing a book about the Alamo that will be published next year. DHS Executive Director Jack Bunning and board member Joe Dealey presented Collins with replicas of the New Orleans Greys and the Alamo battle flags in honor of his being at the Dallas Historical Society tonight. It was my good fortune to meet Phil Collins and have the opportunity to talk with him about our mutual interest in the Alamo and its history. I will be speaking later this month at the Texas History Forum to be held at the Alamo, so I especially appreciated many of Phil Collin's insights.
More about the Dallas Historical Society. Click Here
Pegasus news article about the event. Click Here